DAY 21 on the Camino de Santiago
DAY 21 on the Camino de Santiago. My hardest day yet mentally. I could not make my body do what I wanted it to do, and all my resources and tricks didn’t help. When you see me walking, imagine not feeling as if you can make it 10 more feet. That was me all day today from the moment I began. When I ended yesterday I was completely exhausted and depleted, and when I started today I felt the same way. Not a good way to begin the day! Hoping and praying that tomorrow is better. If it isn’t, I will take the bus for a day so that I can keep up with my dear Camino family. As someone who is stubborn and tends to be ‘all or nothing’, this is a hard step for me, but after today, I no longer care. My ego can handle a bus if necessary. Buen Camino.